Wednesday, August 19, 2009



I have experienced the bad peer pressure during my high school life. It was my classmates that encourage me to smoke but I refuse to do that because I know that I can damage my health specially my lungs. And I realized that I am right in refusing that kind of thing because I’ve noticed that many people today dies because of smoking. And I have learned that I don’t need to be happy to day just to enjoy because I know that it will lessen my existence in the world. I need to wait for my turn of being happy.^_^ 



Responsibility is the combination of punctuality, generosity, humility, and patience. It needs punctuality because our responsible are definitely to be done on time. It needs generosity because must be done without any return. And it needs humility because once you have done a responsibility; you need to be humble and always down to earth. It needs patience because you need to be patient in everything and every little thing is your control while doing your responsibility. I have done my community responsibility by putting my garbage in the right place and by joining some community activities. My home responsibility was making our home clean by helping my parents in the house chores. My school responsibility was simply studying my lessons and putting my attention on my teachers during discussion.



I take the challenge of return excess change. I actually do this challenge before it becomes the topic of my journal entry. Because when I rode on the tricycle, I gave the “manong driver” twenty pesos and the regular price for a student like me was seven pesos. So he needs to give me thirteen pesos but unfortunately, he gave me eighteen pesos so it had five pesos excess to the change. Then I used to return it to him because I know that he needs it much than me.

 It is small deed but important if you think of it a lot.



When our professor had given us the evaluation in our health, I have notice that the proper way of taking care of myself is not enough I must break the habit of doing something else. And perform some good things to make sure that I will gain not only for my physical health but as well as to my emotional and in my surroundings, I must give attention to all the things that I must do.
In fact, this things will be the right way to have a good health, thus performing it will not only benefited myself but as well as to the people around me.



I challenge myself to get a high score in a quiz on one of my subject and I did it. I got a high grade in our Hum011 and I felt that I can do whatever I want if I will put more attention on it. And I realized that being true to yourself is the best one and making a goal in your life gives you an inspiration and determination to do every of your work successfully.

When I watch the movie entitled “inconvenient truth”, I realized that even us are the destroyer of our own environment even we gained benefit from it. I have learned that the global warming is the biggest problem not only in our country but also in the world. I think that we must value more our environment and we must educate the youths to conserve what we have today for the future of the others.



I could provide challenges I have had or talk about achievingour personal challenges. Well I guess that each of us have unique personalities, so each of us could have a set of goals that challenge us. It important that we try and grow as we progress through life through settings goals that challege us. It can be quite easy to set goal, but it's much harder to achieve that goal as we as humans tend to set really lofty goals that are impossible to achieve. Now this isn't horrible as long as we acknowlegde at the end that it was a litle bigger piece of the apple piethen we had intended on eating. And then we evaluate how we did and say yes, I actually did achieve my goals even if they are only a subset of the initial unrealistic goal. We learn how to set realistic goals, how to track our progress and how to provide positive feedback.

The most challenging thing I ever accomplished is keeping life in equilibrium. Balancing of school demands, family time, personal interest, trying hard to be a good daughter, self improvement, time with friends and other lesser. Trying to react to shifts in the areas above is "the challenge". There is no definite goal. The goal is to strive to stay in the "sweet spot" and constantly monitor the pitches life throws your way. Sometimes you strike out;sometime you put in the play. But the more you practice and play, the better you get. 'Coz there will be another but soon. The next challenge I ever accomplished is overcoming my fears, the fear of height and the fear to the insects. It's a big hush on me. but later on I get use to it. Now I overcome it (but not so totally overcome it, 'coz I'm quit scared to some other insects) and trying to put things up...
Well, life is a challenge and mine was not nearly as bad as some people have it. The world is full of challenges and tragedies. But it is full of people who rise to the challenges and achieve their goal despite some pretty overwhelming odds.



I am not a perfect person and so for me when they have a wrong answer... I've just simply say that he/she should give me right or specific answer instead of laughing someones answer. When there is a group discussion, I lend an ear to those person that want to state their opinions, so that if it is my turn, they will also listen to me.. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"

Saturday, July 4, 2009


VIRTUE . . . .

If i would have one outstanding virtue, I would choose perseverance. In life, we can never prevent struggles and challenges from coming unto us.We are being tested on how strong and persevered we are in succeeding our goals and surpasing problems and hurtings. I would always want to have perseverance, because as a person with great perseverance I can couragely face everything that will come my way, i can strongly uphold my success in life because I persevered throughout. I am a great person and a mighty fighter I can say. For I will always persevere for everything that i want to achieve. Whatever I do, I will strongly do whatever it takesfor me to get what I want. And thatt's the greatest ting that the virtue perseverance can do to make me and my life so great.


Young people around the world are increasingly affected by violence, social problems, and a lack of respect for each other and the world around them. Educators in many countries are impacted by greater challenges and pressures. The Living Values Education Program is effective in decreasing violence and bullying, and in creating safe, caring school climates which are conducive to quality learning. Living Values Education (LVE) is a way of conceptualizing education that promotes the development of values-based learning communities and places the search for meaning and purpose at the heart of education. LVE emphasizes the worth and integrity of each person involved in the provision of education, in the home, school and community. In fostefring quality education, LVE supports the overall development of the individual and a culture of positive values in each society and throughout the world, believing that education is a purposeful activity designed to help humanity flourish.


Monday, June 22, 2009



My first week in MCl was boring, no friends, no one to talk to, and loner. It was my first time to be a loner in school. What a life, boring! HMF! Well, loner at first, but later on not a loner at all. I’ve meet new friends and new company, but they are not many as I expected. Well, I guess I’m not friendly at all. Sad but true! Hahahaha, drama queen. There’s one thing more about my first week in MCL, well obviously I’ve meet my new professor and my new classmate. My professors are kind and not boring, they are not so strict and you’re going to enjoy while they are teaching. Yes, I love it! And I do enjoy listening to them. About my classmate, they are bit noisy or should I say they are noisy, they are annoying and sometimes they are irritating me especially my history classmates. 

Saturday, June 20, 2009



College life is enjoying but others said that high school life is much more enjoying… Well, actually I've already experience college life that’s why I’ve said that conclusion. For me college life is the most enjoying part of being a student. It‘s enjoying because you will meet different person with different personalities, etc.. 

College life is the best! You can do whatever you want, cutting classes, late, and absentees and so much more…


It’s the best when it comes to “kalokohan...” College life is the best, base on my own experiences. There’s a big difference between the two, in Hs you will meet the same faces until the you graduate


while in college you will meet different faces and new set of friends. In Hs the student are depending on the teachers, spoon feeding while in college the student are depending to themselves, self study! Yes, there’s a big difference between college life and Hs life and I don’t want to elaborate more… haha!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

PREPARATION ..............

1.How does values education work to your advance ?

--->It work to my advance by applying it to my daily life .. Because values education can take place at home as well as in schools... It helps me to behave more responsibly and helps me to build my own character .. It makes me a better person as well ..

2.After you have processed your first few experience at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve succesful adjustment in college ?

-->By getting use to it and by not stressing myself  , hang out !! Relax and enjoy ..