Wednesday, August 19, 2009



I could provide challenges I have had or talk about achievingour personal challenges. Well I guess that each of us have unique personalities, so each of us could have a set of goals that challenge us. It important that we try and grow as we progress through life through settings goals that challege us. It can be quite easy to set goal, but it's much harder to achieve that goal as we as humans tend to set really lofty goals that are impossible to achieve. Now this isn't horrible as long as we acknowlegde at the end that it was a litle bigger piece of the apple piethen we had intended on eating. And then we evaluate how we did and say yes, I actually did achieve my goals even if they are only a subset of the initial unrealistic goal. We learn how to set realistic goals, how to track our progress and how to provide positive feedback.

The most challenging thing I ever accomplished is keeping life in equilibrium. Balancing of school demands, family time, personal interest, trying hard to be a good daughter, self improvement, time with friends and other lesser. Trying to react to shifts in the areas above is "the challenge". There is no definite goal. The goal is to strive to stay in the "sweet spot" and constantly monitor the pitches life throws your way. Sometimes you strike out;sometime you put in the play. But the more you practice and play, the better you get. 'Coz there will be another but soon. The next challenge I ever accomplished is overcoming my fears, the fear of height and the fear to the insects. It's a big hush on me. but later on I get use to it. Now I overcome it (but not so totally overcome it, 'coz I'm quit scared to some other insects) and trying to put things up...
Well, life is a challenge and mine was not nearly as bad as some people have it. The world is full of challenges and tragedies. But it is full of people who rise to the challenges and achieve their goal despite some pretty overwhelming odds.

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