Monday, June 22, 2009



My first week in MCl was boring, no friends, no one to talk to, and loner. It was my first time to be a loner in school. What a life, boring! HMF! Well, loner at first, but later on not a loner at all. I’ve meet new friends and new company, but they are not many as I expected. Well, I guess I’m not friendly at all. Sad but true! Hahahaha, drama queen. There’s one thing more about my first week in MCL, well obviously I’ve meet my new professor and my new classmate. My professors are kind and not boring, they are not so strict and you’re going to enjoy while they are teaching. Yes, I love it! And I do enjoy listening to them. About my classmate, they are bit noisy or should I say they are noisy, they are annoying and sometimes they are irritating me especially my history classmates. 

Saturday, June 20, 2009



College life is enjoying but others said that high school life is much more enjoying… Well, actually I've already experience college life that’s why I’ve said that conclusion. For me college life is the most enjoying part of being a student. It‘s enjoying because you will meet different person with different personalities, etc.. 

College life is the best! You can do whatever you want, cutting classes, late, and absentees and so much more…


It’s the best when it comes to “kalokohan...” College life is the best, base on my own experiences. There’s a big difference between the two, in Hs you will meet the same faces until the you graduate


while in college you will meet different faces and new set of friends. In Hs the student are depending on the teachers, spoon feeding while in college the student are depending to themselves, self study! Yes, there’s a big difference between college life and Hs life and I don’t want to elaborate more… haha!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

PREPARATION ..............

1.How does values education work to your advance ?

--->It work to my advance by applying it to my daily life .. Because values education can take place at home as well as in schools... It helps me to behave more responsibly and helps me to build my own character .. It makes me a better person as well ..

2.After you have processed your first few experience at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve succesful adjustment in college ?

-->By getting use to it and by not stressing myself  , hang out !! Relax and enjoy ..